The Prince’s Revenge released!

The third novel in the Thaddeus Marcell Chronicles, The Prince’s Revenge, has been released in Kindle ebook and paperback editions! This entry brings back an old enemy, High Prince Saar, the absolute leader of the Tor Regency who, many years ago, hired Thad Marcell to protect his empire during the Tor-Dravon War. At the end of that war, Saar made a costly mistake, one that cost the lives of millions, and one that he blames Marcell for. Now, no price is too high and no collateral damage too great in Saar’s quest for vengeance, and Thad and his Organization must stop him before it’s too late.

The Prince’s Revenge Purchase Links

The Prince’s Revenge on – $2.99 Ebook and free for Kindle Unlimited

The Prince’s Revenge on – $11.99 paperback edition

The Prince's Revenge cover art

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