“Rebellion at Ailon” officially released!

Today, I’m officially releasing my newest novel “Rebellion at Ailon” through Amazon.com! This is the second book of the Thaddeus Marcell Chronicles, and it follows Thad as he attempts to take a sabbatical from his mercenary organization yet ends up in a war anyway! You’ll also get a look at some other parts of his Organization, including the formation of a brand-new Blue Fleet squadron and the efforts of a pair of Gray Fleet spies in Imperial space. It all comes together in an epic battle for freedom at a world called Ailon!

Both of my titles are available on Amazon.com and Kindle Unlimited. You can also click “Look Inside” on the Amazon product page to read a preview. I’ve got some links below to get you started:

  1. “Rescue at Waverly”: Ebook edition ($2.99) and Paperback edition ($9.99)
  2. “Rebellion at Ailon”: Ebook edition ($2.99) and Paperback edition ($10.99)