Rebellion at Ailon available for preorder!

Rebellion at Ailon: The Thaddeus Marcell Chronicles, Book 2

The ebook edition of “Rebellion at Ailon” is now available for preorder at Amazon! In this sequel to “Rescue at Waverly,” Thad takes a sabbatical from his mercenary organization to heal from his wounds and re-evaluate his life. He travels to a world called Ailon, which once lost a war because of his own actions as a pirate. Once there, he assumes a false name and volunteers for a medical clinic that provides care for the enslaved population. However, he soon finds himself caught up in a new insurrection, one that badly needs experienced soldiers and leaders. Can he, one of the most hated men in Ailon’s history, help Ailon fight for its freedom while keeping his identity secret?




Kindle Edition

Head over to Amazon and pre-order the $2.99 Kindle edition now. It will be released January 1, 2019. It’s enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, so if you subscribe to KU, you’ll be able to read it for free!

Paperback Edition

I’m currently formatting the paperback edition. Depending on how long it takes me to deal with proof copies and fix any formatting issues, it should tentatively be available sometime during January 2019. This novel is much longer than Rescue at Waverly, and as a result this paperback will be a bit more expensive than expected. Sorry, paperback fans, but self-publishing is a tricky business!

What’s Next?

The Thaddeus Marcell Chronicles will be a six-novel series, and as I wrap up Rebellion, I’m already shifting my efforts into Book 3, titled “The Prince’s Revenge.” In this novel, war breaks out in the Independent Regions as an old enemy of Thad’s–whom you probably remember from “Rescue at Waverly”–tears the galaxy apart to find him.

I like to work ahead. I have lots of key chapters for the entire series already written, and as I flesh out Revenge, I’ll continue to develop the final three books. I can’t say too much about them this early on, but I will say that very big things happen!

Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!

TJ Mott

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